How to Learn Google Ads: Exploring the Available Resources

So, you’re interested in learning how to get started with Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) but you’re actually unsure of how to learn Google Ads? Or maybe you simply want to learn more about the platform but you don’t know where to turn to. The good news is that there are plenty of resources that will tell you what to know about Google Ads.

Trust us: as a Google Ads agency, we have probably spent enough time going through Google Ads training resources that there’s hardly a course, podcast, or blog that we’re not familiar with.

Which is why we’re writing this article. We want you to find the best way to learn Google Ads by understanding in what formats you can find Google Ads tutorials. Moreover, we will also be sharing some of the best examples of these Google Ads resources so that you can gain an idea of what’s out there.

Table of Contents

Why Google Ads Is Important

Before we can even think of discussing of what Google advertising resources you can use to learn how to use Google Ads, or simply to learn more about the popular pay-per-click advertising platform, the question must be asked: why is it important to use Google Ads?

Well, if you run an online business, such as an ecommerce store, or any sort of business with an online presence really, one of the best ways to both boost your clientele as well as your revenue is through digital marketing. And paid advertising, which Google Ads makes a part of, is a fundamental part of digital marketing.


why google ads is important

Leveraging Google Ads can get you positioned in places on the search results that SEO (search engine optimization) techniques might not be able to, or might take way too long to get there. There’s so much you can optimize for organic search traffic before the lack of results becomes frustrating. After all, SEO is a long-term marketing strategy that only starts bringing ROI (return on investment) after a long time—sometimes even years.

Moreover, Google Ads prove to be a powerful tool in your online-marketing arsenal because it provides the opportunity to even focus on your target audience, making sure that your adverts only reach the right people. Therefore, your efforts, marketing budget, and brand-awareness-boosting tactics won’t go to waste.

This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Google Ads, as there are many other things to know about Google Ads, including the kinds of ads you would like to use, making use of Google Analytics to optimize your ads, CRO (conversion rate optimization) techniques to ensure your ads are optimized, etc.

Can’t be bothered to learn how to use Google Ads yourself? Let our experts handle your paid advertising for you.

Contact us now for a free 30-min audit!

Understanding Google Ads with Google Ads Resources

While it’s basically impossible to find out everything you need to know about Google Ads from these resources, since some things come down to personal experience as well, there is plenty of value that can be obtained from these resources just the same.

And in fact, no matter if you’re just getting started with Google Ads, or you’re basically a PPC master that’s looking for Google Ads advanced resources to learn of cutting-edge marketing tactics, we can say for certain that there is definitely something of use for you in this article.

Before diving down into this article, however, it’s important to bear in mind that the best way to learn Google Ads really depends on you. We will going through the various formats that these resources are available in, then it’s up to you to decide which format is the best for your needs.

it’s also good to note that some of the knowledge you gain from these resources don’t only apply to Google Ads, but can be extended to the paid advertising platforms of other search engines too, like Bing Ads. Naturally, the other platforms will work differently, but the marketing insights you can gain from these resources are also generally more applicable.

Google Ads Courses

Our first entry is looking at Google Ads courses. A Google Ads course is essentially a tutorial on Google Ads and, depending on the course provider, you can either find these courses for free or at a cost.

Moreover, and also depending on the course you take, you can find either find beginner courses that simply cover the Google Ads basics; courses that essentially act as an in-depth Google Ads guide, explaining just about every aspect of the platform, and giving you enough information to get you started on your marketing journey; and even advanced courses that offer Google Ads advice in order to take your internet marketing to the next level.

Like we said before, the great news about this format is that there are plenty of fantastic courses that are absolutely free, making them one of the best ways to learn Google Ads online. In fact, we ourselves have compiled a list of the best Google Ads courses (both free and for money) that you can consult if you’re interested in following a course yourself.

Some of the best courses that we can think of include:

  • Google Ads course from Google (Skillshop)
  • Isaac Rudansky’s Ultimate Google Ads Training
  • HubSpot’s Academy Google Ads course
  • God Tier Ads
  • LinkedIn Learning’s Advanced Google Ads
google ads courses
google ads youtube channels

Google Ads Training Videos

Not entirely separated from the previous format, as the majority of courses use video material, there are some Google Ads guides that solely exist as video courses. In other words, while some courses have other material rather than videos, like quizzes and reading material, video courses are, well, only videos.

And not only just video courses: there are a number of great YouTube channels that provide a lot of content around Google Ads—including Google themselves via their YouTube channel! These channels discuss topics that range from the Google Ads basics, to how to set up your marketing campaign, to tips on improving your ads, to suggested strategies that you can follow to become a better pay-per-click advertiser.

Some of the best YouTube channels to learn Google Ads from include the following:

  • Google Ads Channel
  • Surfside PPC
  • Metics Media
  • Santrel Media
  • Jason Whaling

Google Ads Certifications

It’s sometimes the case that once you complete any of the Google Ads courses that we speak about in our articles, you will receive a certificate of completion. This is a great addition to your CV, especially because it shows that you are qualified to use the Google advertising platform.

Moreover, it also shows prospective employers that you have a proactive attitude with regards to learning and advancing your career.

However, did you know that Google themselves offer certifications? And did you also know that these certifications are absolutely free? Yeah, that’s no joke. You can go apply to complete the assessment for your Google Ads certification of choice on Skillshop right now and not have to cough up a cent.

There are many different Google Ad certificates offered by Skillshop, each one dealing with a different aspect of their advertising platform. Naturally, the question will arise: “which Google Ads certification is best for me?” Well, you’re in luck: we have a blog post that covers exactly that question!

So, if you’re wondering which Google Ads certification is best for your individual needs, our dedicated page will take you through everything you need to know.

google ads certifications
google help center

Google Help Center

There is no end to the wealth of help for learning just about everything you need to know about Google Ads, and you can even find Google Ads guidelines from Big G himself.

Yes, indeed, not only does Google offer their very own course, complete with certifications, but they offer thousands of articles that explain just about every aspect of using their paid advertising platform. 

If you’re interested in using these articles to learn about Google Ads (which we would suggest!), you can find them at the Google Help Center. However, it is also our advice to also use some of the other resources we mentioned in tandem with the Google Help articles.

Podcasts on Google Ads

It’s a fact: the popularity of podcasts on the rise, with a 2022 study showing that 38% of Americans said they have listened to a podcast in the past month—a threefold increase from the past decade! Naturally, this popularity will also translate itself to Google Ads.

If you’re only starting out in the PPC world, maybe Google Ads podcasts might not be the best option for you. While there are podcasts that teach you the basics of using the platform, the majority of podcasts deal with more advanced aspects of Google Ads, how to leverage Google Ads for your business, etc.

When it comes to the best Google Ads podcasts, we would definitely recommend these:

  • The Paid Search Podcast
  • Rothman PPC
  • Google Ads Strategy with Kyle Sulerud
  • Google Ads Mastery Sessions
  • Google Ads Fundamentals Podcast
podcasts on google ads
google ads books

Google Ads Books

This might come as a surprise to some of you, but books about Google Ads actually exist and have been existing for quite a long time! 

While to have a Google Ads tutorial as a book might seem counterintuitive, since Google Ads is continuously being updated and strategies are prone to change, certain fundamentals stay pretty much the same no matter what. And moreover, certain books don’t simply tell you how to use Google Ads or how to improve your Google Ads marketing, but offer different perspectives on the nature of marketing in the modern day and age.

If you’re looking for your next great read and are interested to learn more about Google Ads, you can find our articles on the best Google Ads books by following the link. Off the top of our heads, these are some of my favourite picks:

  • Ultimate Guide to Google Ads (6th Edition) – Perry Marshall, Mike Rhodes, Bryan Todd
  • Unlevel the Playing Field – Frederick Vallaeys
  • You vs. Google – Patience Hurlburt-Lawton, Kasim Aslam, John Moran
  • Google Compliance Secrets – Dathen Fairley
  • Join Or Die: Digital Advertising in the Age of Automation – Patrick Gilbert

Can’t be bothered to learn how to use Google Ads yourself? Let our experts handle your paid advertising for you.

Contact us now for a free 30-min audit!

google ads forums

Google Ads Forums

What would the internet be without forums? Well, definitely much poorer with regards to the sheer diversity of things you can find online. When it comes to forums about Google Ads and PPC in general, you don’t need to look far to find vibrant communities of like-minded marketers.

The best part about participating in PPC forums is that you can ask about whatever issues are affecting you and you have the possibility of formulating your question however you want. Moreover, thanks to this, you can also ask about the nichest possible issue, one that the other resources haven’t covered.

On the other hand, the problems with forums is that you won’t always be able to verify the expertise of the user that’s answering your question. Furthermore, there’s also the chance that no one will answer your question, or you won’t receive any satisfactory answers at all…

Anyway, to conclude with some of the best Google Ads forums to explore, we would definitely include:

  • Google Ads Help Community
  • r/PPC (PPC Subreddit)
  • r/googleads (Google Ads Subreddit)
  • Moz Q&A
  • Webmaster World

Google Ads Blogs

Last but definitely not least, there are PPC blogs that pretty much discuss just about every aspect of Google Ads out there. Our own website would actually fall under this definition, so you don’t have to go very far to find an example of a PPC blog. 😁

The beauty of Google Ads blogs is that they are written by experts in the field, marketers who have painstakingly developed their expertise over years by interacting with the tool, facing their own issues and challenges, and tackling them head-on.

And more often than not, PPC blogs will have articles that talk more than just the Google Ads basics, but delve into more advanced topics, like retargeting and other effective marketing strategies that can help with increasing conversions.

When it comes to some of our top picks for the best Google Ads blogs (of course, without including our blog as that would be cheating!), we would pick the following:

  • Search Engine Journal
  • Semrush
  • Neil Patel’s blog
  • Search Engine Watch
  • Search Engine Land
  • WordStream
google ads blogs


Do you have more questions that simply how to learn about Google Ads? Maybe we can answer them here:

What is the best way to learn Google Ads?

The best way to learn Google Ads is pretty much up to you. We have gone over all the available formats that you can use to learn about paid advertising, how to use Google Ads, etc., now it’s up to you to decide which resource format is the most suitable for you.

That said, however, not all Google Ads resources are made equal and it would great to learn which one offers the best value before wasting your time and/or money!

How long does it take to learn Google Ads?

To learn the very fundamentals of Google Ads, all you need is a couple of hours really. On the other hand, to become truly experienced in the tool, you will need at least a handful of months. The time it takes to learn Google Ads will also depend on the format you’ve chosen to learn it from; for example, watching a video about basics of Google Ads would take a lot less time than reading an entire book about the subject.

How do I master Google Ads?

There is only one way to truly master Google Ads and that’s to practice using the tool yourself by conducting your own campaigns. You can consume all the Google Ads resources you like, but nothing can really replace actual practice.

Is Google Ads difficult to learn?

Google Ads is not difficult to learn in the same way that theoretical physics is difficult to learn. The tool would prove complex at first because it has many features and there are many aspects to using it to its fullest. However, with dedication and patience, most users will be able to use the tool efficiently after about 3 months. 

Can you learn Google Ads by yourself?

Absolutely! In fact, there’s nothing stopping you from going on YouTube right now and watching a video on how to use Google Ads. Other than that, there’s also the extensive (and absolutely free) Google Skillshop course that you can take online. So, what are you waiting for?

Should I learn Google Ads or SEO first?

There’s no need to prioritize learning one before the other: both are fundamental for successful and holistic SEM (search engine marketing) campaigns. However, bear in mind that each one requires different skills and that they both take years to truly master.

How much does it cost to learn Google Ads?

The cost of learning Google Ads will change depending on what your preferences are. There are plenty of resources which are completely free but you might find that these resources are not as in-depth as you would like. On the other hand, the paid alternatives can start out from under $100 and go all the way up to $4000 for bootcamps and other similar programs.

Should You Use Google Ads?

On a final note, now that you know where to learn Google Ads, you might be wondering whether you even ought to use Google Ads. Well, if you care about boosting your online presence, gaining more potential customers, and even increasing your revenue, online advertising is a must and Google Ads is one of the most powerful tools that you can use for paid advertising—which is a fundamental part of digital marketing.

The bottom line is this: if you own a business or offer any kind of service, whether that’s B2B, etc., you need to advertise yourself. And one of the many ways of doing that is through Google Ads. So, in short: yes, you should use Google Ads if you care about your revenue.

However, bear in mind that Google Ads and PPC are only a small part of internet marketing. Other forms include email-marketing campaigns (think newsletters); search marketing (techniques to gain traffic from online searches like SEO); content-marketing techniques (landing page optimization, for example, and marketing messaging); display advertising (think banner ads); and social media marketing (for example, sponsored ads on Instagram).

We here at Ads Institute are largely experts on Google Ads and PPC in general, so if you wish to learn about other forms of marketing, there are many other resources that you can use.